AES Brasil believes that its business model directly contributes in a positive manner to society’s key socio-environmental challenges. In this regard, the Company has established a set of commitments and goals for ESG management – an acronym that stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance aspects, risks, and opportunities. The 2030 ESG Commitments are rooted in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and have been defined based on three main themes: Climate Change, within the environmental pillar; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, within the social pillar; and Ethics and Transparency within governance.
Learn more about our ESG Strategy and main Company highlights by clicking here.
Check out our ESG Performance Report with key information on how we manage our business to promote positive impacts and contribute to sustainable development.
Click here to access the spreadsheet with the main ESG indicators.
Additionally, AES Brasil reports its performance and practices in the Carbon Disclosure Program (CDP) Climate Change and Water Security questionnaires, a leading initiative in assessing companies’ risks, opportunities, and environmental impacts, and recognizing leaders in transparency and environmental action. In 2023, besides ensuring the maintenance of a B score in Water Security, the Company achieved an A- rating in Climate Change, elevating it to a Leadership position in this matter.
The Company also annually develops its Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory based on the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program’s methodology and internal operational controls. The report consolidates all operating units – hydroelectric, solar, and wind power plants, as well as offices – and is audited by an independent third party. In 2022, it received, for the sixth consecutive time, the GHG Protocol Gold Seal for the 2021 cycle, the highest level of qualification.